I recently purchased a snack that I used to love when I was a kid, and was sorely disappointed by how "blah" it tasted. So...I started thinking about all the things that I LOVED eating as a child that I've had in the past few years that have left me decidedly dissatisfied.
1. Sugar Wafer cookies. Maybe it was because the ones I ate recently were sugar free, but I was sorely disappointed. They tasted a little like vanilla flavored cardboard and were almost not sweet. Cookies that aren't sweet are just unnatural. And pretty gross.
2. Cheese Waffles. I used to eat these in droves as a child. potato chips sandwiched together with that fake cheddar powdery cheese. My sister and I went in together adn bought a case of them a few years back, adn I couldn't make it through an entire bag.
3. Vienna Sausages. Maybe it's because I now understand what it means when they take the spare parts of beef, chicken, and pork and put it together in a sausage-like item. Maybe it's because when i was a kid I smothered them in ketchup and couldn't tell what they actually tasted like. But now...YUCK.
4. Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup (condensed). I know it shouldn't be on the list, but it is. I've never really liked the chicken bits in that soup - I would venture to say they aren't real chicken bits. Nevertheless, the soup as a child was a comforting thing. Now, it makes me want to gag.
5. Circus Peanuts. You know the orange rubbery things that are some amalgamation of sugar and foam rubber? Yeah...used to love them as a kid. I ate part of one yesterday and almost puked. Who likes them? That's what I want to know. I don't even know what flavor they're supposed to simulate. It sure as heck isn't peanut.
6. Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli. Used to eat that like it was going out of style. It was the quick dinner I'd make myself on Fridays before getting on the band bus to head to the football games, or getting home from football games at midnight, or between after school volleyball practice and marching practice. Now...meh. As I said with the chicken in the soup, I'm not sure that's real beef in the ravioli.
I'm sure there are other things, but for now, those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. anyone else have those childhood favorites that you've gone back and tried and been sorely disappointed over? If so, don't be afraid to share.
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