Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treating with Bizzarro and the Grim Reaper

So...typically, I'm not much for Halloween.  I don't decorate the house with jack-o-lanterns and ghouls and goblins.  Something about celebrating death that doesn't quite sit right with me.  Anyway, we were coming home from a family reunion and Sam was in the car with me and we were talking about trick or treating last night and about what he was giong to dress up as, and I randomly decided to join in the fun and dress up with them...just to dress up in a costume.  I thought about what I had in my closet at home, and realized that if I could find a purple tie, some face paint, a can of temporary hair color, and a purple vest or sweater of some kind, I could come up with something pretty cool.  So, we stopped at Wal-Mart, and I managed to find all those well as some face paint and hair color for the boys.  And then we got dressed

Sam insisted on having his hair colored green and having face paint, even though he was wearing a superman costume.  So...I told him that he could be Bizzaro, an evil Superman, and he seemed to accept it. 

Tristan took an old mask and costume and made the mask a little gory looking so he could be the grim reaper.

And I dug out an old pair of pants, a souviner hat from Disney World, and the few items I found at Wal-Mart and went as the Mad Hatter.  I'm afraid a lot of people didn't get the costume...and were honestly, not really interested in it.  Oh, well.  I had a blast and it was super fun to dress up. 

I was going for the semi-psycho look Johnny Depp acheives in the new version of the film...but I think I might have skipped the "semi" and went straight to full-on psycho in this picture.

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