Oh, my Glee. how I missed you. Let me preface this whole thing by saying that i almost didn't get to see this episode. I paused the DVR in the middle of recording the show, forgetting that another show on a different channel was schedule to record afterward, so, the last half of the show is the only part that recorded. I'm still not sure how exactly that happened, since you'd think the first half would record and you'd lose the last half...but whatever. I managed to watch it online early this morning, and subsequently have the top twelve list. so, without further ado:
12. Sue: I beleive I just said that, Andy Sullivan. You want me to sign it into your palm?
11. Sam: You're like a chocolate turtle.
10. Rachel: SPIES!
9. Tina: With those abs, you can be my very own "Situation".
8. Mercedes: How are we supposed to compete against a bunch of adorable old people?
Puck: Are you kidding? Brittle bones. Give one of those old ladies a good luck pat on the rear. It'll shatter her pelvis.
7. Sue: This may be the moment I was waiting for. A way to get Bieste out of the school, and your McCauley Culkin stunt double back in your arms
6. Puck: Yeah, you really can't put a dollar amount on talent plus fear.
Artie: I can. It's about three hundred bucks.
5. Brittany: (to Artie) I've been squeezing your leg for the last hour and a half. Are you not attracted to me?
4. Puck: So, I turn around. I flex my left pec, then I flex my right pec, and I say to the guy, 'leggo my eggo.'
3. Sue: ...Who'd rather be dry humping She-Hulk.
2. Will: Look, I'm not tossing the baby out with the bath water.
Brittany: I've totally done that.
1. Coach Bieste: You crap on my leg, I'll cut it off.
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