I love Eisley for several reasons. First and foremost, they make fantastic music. I can appreciate anyone who makes good music. I love that their music is something that I could play while my little brothers are in the car with me and I wouldn't have to worry about them hearing something inappropriate. I also love that they're from Texas (Tyler to be specific)...but that's just because I'm a Texas girl. But beyond that, I love that they don't compromise their artistic or musical integrity by trying to put out music that sounds just like everything else on the radio. They don't sound like anyone else I've ever heard, and they don't want to sound like anyone else. And as a fellow musician and songwriter, I applaud that the most. In a world where ALL mainstream music sounds exactly alike, Eisley defies the norm with graceful aplomb. And that, more than anything else, is why I love the band.
The band won't let people embed their videos, so please click on the link below to watch the music video for a song called "Memories."
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