Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Top Twelve Quotes from Glee "Brittany, Britney"

So, i decided to relaunch the blog. And I thought I'd start it off with my 12 favorite lines from last nights episode of Glee. Without further ado...

12. Rachel: I always thought the boys locker room would be sexy, but it actually smells like feet.
11. Sue: You're flailing, William.
10. Brittany: Did you get a leg transplant?
9. Emma: You look like a cast member from Kids, Incorporated.
8. Finn: You want me to feel bad about myself?"
Rachel: No, I just want to be the only thing than makes you feel good.
7. Santana: No, like, seriously, you can drill me anytime...
6. Finn: See what I'm talking about. They're personifying you.
5. Brittany: It looks like a Jewish Cloud
4. Sue: I mean, seriously, you wear more vests than the cast of Blossom.
3. Rachel: I look forward to the day the papparazzi provokes me and I attack them.
2. Brittany: I'm more talented than all of you. I see that clearly now.
1. Brittany: This room looks like the one on the spaceship where I got probed.

Of course, Brittany gets the most on this countdown because, let's face it, no one on the show can deliver a one-liner like Heather Morris.