Saturday, November 20, 2010

Top Twelve Lines: Glee: The Substitute

12.  Miss Holiday:  sorry for just coming over like this.  I wanted to do this in person.  Plus, I heard you had expensive beer

11.  Puck:  Mr. Schuester is the only teacher who ever touched me...except Mr. Rhyerson.

10.  Sue:  My first order of business: destroy the glee club
Will:  I thought we were friends.
Sue:  That got boring.

9.  Terri:  You have to admit that no matter how toxic our marriage was, I was always really good at taking care of you when you were sick.
Will:  That's because you like me best when I'm weak.

8.  Rachel:  In Mr. Schuester's absence, I'd like to go around and ask everyone what solos they'd like to hear me sing at sectionals.

7.  Kurt:  You smell homeless, Brett.  Homeless.

6.  Miss Holiday:  Cee-Lo.  That's what I'm talking about.
Santana:  Excuse me.  What would you like about Cee-Lo?  You're like, 40.
Miss Holiday:  Top 40, sweet cheeks.

5.  Rachel:  Hi Miss Holiday.  I'd like you to know that I have a very severe bruise on my right buttocks from your game of gangsta rap musical chairs.

4.  Sue:  It's broccoli.  When I showed it to Brittany, she began to whimper, thinking I had cut down a small tree where a family of gummy bears lived.

3.  Mini- Santana:  Lookin' good, Puckerman.  Someone's been eating his wheaties.
Mini-Puck:  [flexing]  These guns are fully loaded.
Mini-Rachel:  Mr. Schue, I for one, think we should use our set list for sectionals to start exploring the oeurve of one Bernadette Peters.
Mini-Brittany:  Someday, I’m gonna go to Paris and visit the Oeuvre.

Mini-Mike:  I just wanna dance.
Mini-Mercedes:  Mr. Schuester, you look a little green.

2.  Rachel:  Well, at least I didn't fall and break my talent.

1.  Miss Holiday:  Hi, I'm Holly Holiday.
Terri:  Are you a porn star or a drag queen?

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